Upcoming Dates:
December 2
Nova Roots Meeting | December 2, 6:30 pm - 8 pm: Our next meeting will be online ( email hello@novaroots.org for link). The agenda includes: Principal Eyva joining us at the beginning; preparation for the Staff Appreciation Breakfast; and discussing cash donations to support Nova Roots-sponsored events.
Winter Craft Fair '24 | December 6, 5 pm - 7:30 pm at NOVA: Peruse student-made zines, ceramics, plants, jam preserves, and more at this year's Craft Fair. Enjoy the sweet treat potluck, hot cocoa bar, festive music, and community. Raffle at 7 pm!
Staff Appreciation Breakfast | December 13: Planning will happen at the December 2 Nova Roots meeting -- look for more details soon!
Inclement weather / SNOW policy:
Nova’s Remote Learning Plan if Buildings are Closed due to Inclement Weather
Students will find links and lessons to work on posted on Moodle for each of their classes. Classes will meet for the first 30 minutes on Zoom for a synchronous lesson followed by asynchronous work for the remainder of the class period. Committees will not meet but there will be a short check in time for coor every day for students who need tech or other support.
Donations to food pantry are most needed mid-week. Snacks, easy to eat light meals, and breakfast items are popular with the students. Drop off at the office.
Considering going to Nova? Whether transferring or coming in from 8th grade, please call the front office for more information 206-252-3500. You can also check out the virtual open house!
Want to join Nova Roots? All you have to do is sign up. There are no dues!
Introduction To Nova a video by Nova volunteer and artist Britta Johnson.
Come to a Family Tour or Open House.
Spend some time on Seattle Public School’s Nova website.
Open Enrollment: High school students enrolled in Seattle Public Schools can transfer to Nova at any time during the school year. We are also enrolling rising 9th grade and current high school students for next year. Learn more online or call our front office at 206-252-3500 for more information.
Student Lucas G. shares his Nova story in a featured podcast for KUOW’s Radiolab show.
As Lucas says, “For some students, going to school means unwelcome questions. Questions about their identity, their sexuality, or the way they act.
This can force some people to avoid school or even drop out. I found a better alternative by transferring to Nova High School last year as a freshman.” You can listen to Lucas’ story here.