enroll TODAY
Because Nova is a Seattle Public Schools service school, currently enrolled high school students can transfer to Nova at any time during the year. High school and prospective 9th grade students can also register for the upcoming year. See details below.
High schools students interested in transferring to Nova during the current year or attending next year begin the process by attending a Morning Tour:
Call the main office to register at (206) 252-3500
Every Thursday from 8:30 - 11:45AM (TBD 2021)
Students check in at the Main Office by 8:30AM
Attend two classes with a student from the Recruitment Committee
Meet with Nova's principal, to learn more about Nova
After the tour, the parent/guardian must inform Seattle Public Schools Enrollment at (206) 252-0760 about making a transfer from their student’s current school to Nova. For more info, see below. If you need any help navigating this process, please call the main office at (206) 252-3500.
Seattle Public Schools will notify the family of their student’s official Nova start date to begin at Nova. It is often the following Monday, but please check with Enrollment Services to confirm the start date.
Your prospective 9th grader can attend an Intro Morning to learn what Nova is all about:
Next Tours: TBD
8th Grade Open House: TBD
Call the main office to register at (206) 252-3500
Tour the school
Have a round table discussion with current students about Nova
Choose a class to observe
Meet with Nova's principal, as a group to learn more about Nova.
If your student wants to attend Nova as a 9th grader, you will enroll them through Seattle Public Schools (see below) for the upcoming school year.
Next tours: TBD
No registration required
Tour the school
30-minute Q & A Session with Nova's principal
how to enroll
To enroll your 8th grader or high school student online, go to the Seattle Public Schools > Enroll My Student web page:
Click “Online Enrollment Tab” and follow the instructions
Click on Alternative Learning Experience and Service Schools
Choose Nova High School
If you prefer to fill out forms and deliver yourself, please go to the Seattle Public Schools > Enroll My Student web page for the forms:
Click “Registration Process and Forms”
Write in “Nova” in the Options box
Gather and/or copy supplemental documents
Submit all materials electronically, by mail, or in person:
Email: servicecenter@seattleschools.org
SPS Service Center
MS 11-174
PO Box 34165
Seattle, WA 98124-1165In person: (8:30 am - 4 pm, Monday - Friday)
Seattle Public Schools
John Stanford Center for Educational Excellence
2445 3rd Avenue South
Seattle, WA 98134Fax: (206) 252-0761
If you have questions or need help with enrollment, please contact Karen at (206) 252-3500.