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Giving Opportunity
Check out the Nova teachers' Wish List
Featured items: BOOKS! BOOKS! BOOKS! for the classroom. List includes titles by W.E.B De Bois, Howard Zinn, Olivia E. Butler, James W. Loewen, Ronald Tataki, and more! Multiple copies very much appreciated. Go to the Wish List on our Nova Roots website and follow the link to the Amazon list. For more information contact teacher Debbie.
This list is updated regularly, so please check back. Donations needed of books, pens for illustration class, lamp, and handy person to assist in minor repairs. Staff are encouraged to add items to the list. Community members can help support with in-kind donations. Bring donations to the front office or to staff member asking for them.
Support Opportunities
Front Office Volunteers - weekdays
Nova office needs volunteer staffing each weekday from 8:30 – 10:30 AM. Thursdays are highest priority (and most fun!) but all days needed. Training provided. Taking SPS brief volunteer training and background check also required. Great way to meet folks and get to know Nova. Please contact us at hello@novaroots.com
Food Bank Pick-up (Wednesdays)
Our dedicated food coordinator Suzie (Nova parent) is bringing food to the school twice a week from local food banks. She brings in fresh foods on Fridays from Issaquah, but we need someone (you?) to help on Wednesdays with pick up from a food bank close to Nova. Please contact Suzie if you have questions or think you might be able to help out.
Food Pantry non-perishables (Needed now)
Nova provides a food pantry for students in need. Whether once-in-a-while, or regularly, at least 10% of students in Seattle Public Schools experience food insecurity. That's why we coordinate a pantry stocked with healthy snacks, easy to prepare meals, and fresh goods each week. Needed right now are healthy non-perishable snacks such as:
protein bars
granola bars
fruit snacks
microwavable mac and cheese
instant oatmeal
other healthy, non-perishable items
In addition, EACH classroom needs 1-2 gallon jugs of water for emergencies such as lock-down situations.All food items may be brought to the front office.
Community Building Opportunity
Are you a Nova alum or Nova parent alum? Want to give back to Nova and help us reach out to the community beyond Nova? We are seeking involvement from alumni for our Novaplosion! Art Share event in November, as well as looking to build an alumni network. If you are interested, have ideas, and/or questions let us know at hello@novaroots.org. We'd love to hear from YOU.
You can Still Order School Photos!
If you missed ordering school photos, you still can. After the initial order period is over, and photos arrive at the school, you may order either of two ways:
Online from LifeTouch using the unique portrait code: LS119029Q0
- or -
Wait for Retake day and turn in the paper order form then when your student's photo is taken.