Nova Roots

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Meeting Notes: Oct 9

Key Decisions/Questions/Project Updates:

Coffee Sponsorship:  We’re working on a sponsorship for Nova from Kaladi Coffee (!  This means a year of free coffee for events, teacher appreciation weeks, etc.  Kaladi also has a community center space we can use for events.  If we’re approved, we’ll get a contact name that we can use to reach out when we have a need. Just need to give them a week or two of notice. 

Alumni Outreach:  We have a plan!   Our goal is to complete the following in the next two weeks by our next NR meeting on Wednesday, 10/23:

o  Create a Google database and form we can send out to alumni.

o   Write an outreach email for alumni members.

o   Make an alumni page for the website and put the form up there too.  We could send the web link out to alumni to get them engaged with Roots.

o   We can ask all the alumni we know to fill out the form and pass the email on to any of the Nova alumni they’re still in touch with – let’s talk more about how to do this at our next meeting.

o   How do we compile a list of known alumni to send the email to and ask them to pass it on? 

Novaplosion Community Art Share - Tuesday, 12/10

o   We think the event should be called “Novaplosion Community Art Share”


  • Concerned about the acoustics in the cafeteria, wondering if it would be better at an outside venue?  

  • Should we put a flyer for Novaplosion in each Coor teacher’s box and ask them to make the announcement in the next week?

  • Send out the invitation to perform in the newsletter

Event Elements

  • Visual Art Share

  • Performance

  • Art for Sale

  • Craft Tables

  • Snacks

  • Merch

  • Collecting donations through A4E website

    Legacy Documentation:

o   Students report being trepidatious about getting involved because they’re unsure about working with parents

o   We’d like to start working on the legacy documentation, including a set of rules for engagement and Nova Roots Norms.  We need to create rules of engagement for parents from a student perspective, focusing on how best to support students.  This info could also be useful from a parent ed perspective.

o   We’ll also ask Nova Knows if they’d like to put them up on the blog.  

o   Get Nova Norms and put them up on the website.

Agenda for next meeting:

Steering Committee

o   Legacy Documentation

o   How to recruit students and staff?


o   Alumni Outreach

o   Novaplosion


o   Login options for next evening meeting – 2 way call or video?


o   Family Consent Workshop on 11/14

o   Food Bank check in


o   Check in on Kladi Coffee sponsorship