Meeting Notes: Oct 23

Key Decisions/Project Updates:

·      Coffee Sponsorship:  We’re in communication with Kaladi Coffee ( on sponsorship, details to follow. 

·      Alumni Outreach:  We used our time as a working meeting and completed the following:

o   Created working Nova Alumni Database and Form:

o   We made an Alumni page on the Nova Roots website:

o   Wrote a draft of an email we’re reviewing.  The plan is to send out to alumni to ask them to complete the survey, and pass it on to their fellow alumni friends and family

o   We’d also like to send an email to the teachers to ask if they could pass on to the alumni they’re in touch with

·      Novaplosion Community Art Share

o   We’re going to make a sign up form and page on the website to track contributions and performers

o   We’re exploring alternative venues to give us more space

·      Legacy Documentation:

o  We have a copy of the Nova norms and will put up on the website by our next meeting.

o   We’d like to start working on the legacy documentation, including a set of rules for engagement and Nova Roots Norms.  We need to create rules of engagement for parents from a student perspective, focusing on how best to support students.  This info could also be useful from a parent ed perspective.

o   We’ll also ask Nova Knows if they’d like to put them up on the blog.